Seva Group


Suntem lider în servicii industriale

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence.
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems for customers. Safety and craftsmanship have made our company a leader in the industry.


Drumul pentru a deveni liderul
în servicii industriale


Humble beginnings

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence. With a passion for precision and a commitment to quality, we have been empowering industries and driving progress.
Our clients cover a wide range of sectors including local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, industrial and manufacturing, civil works and defence, as well as medium-density residential, in the Northern City and South England.

New headquarters

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence. With a passion for precision and a commitment to quality, we have been empowering industries and driving progress.
Our clients cover a wide range of sectors including local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, industrial and manufacturing, civil works and defence, as well as medium-density residential, in the Northern City and South England.

Opening 5 new locations

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence. With a passion for precision and a commitment to quality, we have been empowering industries and driving progress.
Our clients cover a wide range of sectors including local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, industrial and manufacturing, civil works and defence, as well as medium-density residential, in the Northern City and South England.

World wide coverage

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence. With a passion for precision and a commitment to quality, we have been empowering industries and driving progress.
Our clients cover a wide range of sectors including local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, industrial and manufacturing, civil works and defence, as well as medium-density residential, in the Northern City and South England.

Journey Was Started

Welcome to Industras, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence. With a passion for precision and a commitment to quality, we have been empowering industries and driving progress.
Our clients cover a wide range of sectors including local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, industrial and manufacturing, civil works and defence, as well as medium-density residential, in the Northern City and South England.

Statistici seva group

Realizările noastre

Proiecte completate
100 +

0 %
Ani de experiență
0 +

Cum lucrăm

Procesul nostru de lucru

Suntem una dintre companiile lider în distribuirea mașinilor industriale de tocare, brichetare și peletizare. Oferim soluții profesionale și pe termen lung.

01 01 step

Evaluation And Signing Of The Contract

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis iste natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiume
02 02 step

Preparation Of The Work Plan.

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis iste natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiume
03 03 step

Implementation Of Quality Works

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis iste natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiume
04 04 step

Delivering The Project To The Customer

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis iste natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiume

ÎntrebĂri frecvente

Livrăm pentru cei mai buni

Care este metodologia Seva Group?
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems


Profesionalismul și timpul de răspuns m-au lăsat fără cuvinte. Calitatea a fost uimitoare și compania noastră a primit exact ceea de ce avea nevoie.
Niculescu Nicu CEO COCA COLA
“The team was devoted to the project, their approach a pleasure to work with, and skilled in their professional efforts professional efforts, resolving any issues or obstacles.”
Jonh Pamela Assistant Project Manager
The professionalism and response time left me speechless. The quality was amazing and i got exactly what i wanted. .
Aaliyah Brown CEO Industrium
Global Partners

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Creative Solutions by Professional Designers

+(48) 555-0120-88

2972 Westheimer Rd. Santa
Ana, Illinois 85486

Main Offices
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-Midday
© Industras 2024, All Rights Reserved.